Retain-A-Portion Settlement

Retain-A-Portion settlements are the ideal solution for qualified Policy Owners who need cash now, but still want to secure a portion of their death benefit for their loved ones.

As annual life insurance premiums continue to rise, Policy Owners with larger policies often feel trapped by policies that were originally purchased for estate planning or business continuity reasons, but are no longer needed for those purposes. At the same time, the need for some life insurance coverage for loved ones is still the same. A Retain-A-Portion Settlement offers an ideal solution, no more premium payments and a reduced death benefit payout to loved ones.

Policyholders who qualify for Life Settlements often find themselves facing a dilemma: They’re in need of cash now to help supplement their fixed income, help cover the cost of medical treatments, prescriptions costs, or long-term care, but they still want their beneficiaries to receive some benefit after the policyholder has passed away. Sometimes a policy owner can receive a cash settlement today and also a retained death benefit for their beneficiaries upon their death.

Luckily, qualified Policyholders in this situation no longer need to sacrifice future death benefits for their beneficiaries in order to get cash now, all thanks to the Retain-A-Portion Settlement option.

retain a portion settlement is ideal solution for qualified Policy Owners who need cash now, but still want to secure a portion of their death benefit for their loved ones

Retain-A-Portion Settlement’s allow qualified Policy Owners to benefit from the secondary life insurance market without totally sacrificing their death benefit. Even better, it is not uncommon for Retain-A-Portion settlements to provide a larger overall value than a normal Life Settlement, and like a traditional Life Settlement, you no longer need to pay every-increasing annual premiums.

For example, a $500,000 life insurance policy sold in a typical Life Settlement may result in a $100,000 cash payout. The same $500,000 sold in a Retain-A-Portion Settlement, may result in a large total payout of $150,000 – a $50,000 upfront cash payment, and also a $100,000 death benefit reserved for beneficiaries after the insured dies..

If you need cash now, but still want to leave your loved ones some benefit after your passing, A Retain-A-Portion Settlement may be a great solution. Contact us today, and our helpful representatives will provide a free, no-obligation policy appraisal. If you qualify, we’ll connect you directly with a licensed buyer, and we’ll even handle all of the paperwork for you.

You May Qualify For A Retain-A-Portion Settlement:

Who qualifies for Retain-A-Portion Settlement?

Qualifying for the Retain a Portion life settlement option is the same as qualifying for a life settlement. The primary difference is that instead of getting a full cash payment today, you could possibly receive a portion of the payout today, while the remaining portion is paid to your beneficiaries upon your passing. This is appealing to many people who still need some life insurance but cannot afford the premiums on a larger policy which no longer fits their needs.

You Are Chronically or Terminally Ill.

Qualified candidates typically have a life expectancy of eight years or less.

All Ages Are Eligible

Qualified candidates can be of any age depending upon their health.

Policies with over $100,000 of face amount Are Eligible

Even policies without any cash value may be eligible, though  applicable policies are typically over 1 Million in face value.

You Own Any Type of Life Insurance Policy

Qualified candidates can have any type of life insurance policy but usually Universal Life and Convertible Term Insurance work best.

“With all my expenses, I really didn’t have the extra money to pay for the therapy I felt was best for me. I tried to get a life insurance cash advance, but they said I wasn’t sick enough.’s direct buyer gave me $95,000 for my $250,000 policy! I told them I would recommend them to anyone, so now I am!”


If you are considering canceling or surrendering your life insurance policy, please speak with us first.

We offer free, no-obligation qualification assessments. Not knowing your options could cost you thousands of dollars in hidden value.