Life Settlement Eligibility Do You Qualify?

When considering a life settlement, one of the most important questions is, “Do you qualify to sell your policy?” Understanding life settlement eligibility do you qualify? is key to determining whether you can turn your life insurance policy into a cash payout. In this post, we’ll explore the factors that determine life settlement eligibility and help you assess if selling your policy is an option for you.  

What Is a Life Settlement?

Before learning about eligibility, it’s important to understand what a life settlement is. A life settlement involves selling your existing life insurance policy to a third party for more than its cash surrender value, but less than its death benefit. The buyer takes over ownership and beneficiary rights to the policy, continues paying the premiums, and ultimately collects the death benefit when the insured passes away.

Many people choose a life settlement when they no longer need their life insurance or if the premiums have become too expensive. The funds from selling a policy can be used for a variety of financial needs including medical bills, retirement expenses, or even a more affordable insurance plan.

Age and Health: Two Key Factors

The first major factor in determining your eligibility for a life settlement is your age and health status. Typically, seniors that qualify for a life settlement are 65 or older, but this can vary based on health condition.

  1. Age Requirements:
    • The general benchmark for qualifying is being at least 65 years old, but insureds who are younger may qualify if they have a chronic or terminal health condition.  It is always best to give us a call to discuss your unique case.  
  2. Health Condition:
    • Health is a crucial aspect of life settlement eligibility. Buyers are more interested in policies from individuals with shorter life expectancies because they’ll receive the death benefit sooner. While you don’t need to be terminally ill, those with chronic or serious medical conditions are more likely to qualify.

Policy Size and Type Matter

The type and size of your life insurance policy can also impact your eligibility for a life settlement.

  1. Policy Size:
    • Most life settlement purchasers look for policies with a face value (death benefit) of $100,000 or more. While smaller policies can sometimes qualify, they may not be as attractive to investors.
  2. Policy Type:
    • Almost all types of life insurance policies can be sold in a life settlement. However, some policies are more appealing to buyers:
      • Universal Life: These policies are highly attractive because they offer flexibility in premium payments and potential cash value growth.
      • Term Life: Term policies can be eligible, but usually only if they can be converted into a permanent policy.  Some non-convertible term policies may qualify for a viatical settlement if the insured is dealing with a serious health concern.
      • Whole Life: Whole life policies often qualify due to their guaranteed coverage and built-in cash value.
      • Variable Life: While more complex, variable life policies can also qualify.

Premium Amounts and Cash Surrender Value

Another factor affecting a policy’s eligibility for a life settlement is the amount of premium payments.   Potential buyers will factor in costs to keep the policy in force over your expected lifetime when calculating an offer.  

In some cases, policies with a high cash surrender value can still qualify for a life settlement, but this is generally not ideal for a life settlement. If your policy has no or little cash value, it can be more likely to qualify.

How Long Have You Held the Policy?

Most life settlement companies require that policies have been in force for at least two years. This is due to contestability clauses. If your policy is relatively new, it may not yet be eligible for a life settlement.

Financial and Legal Considerations

While not a direct factor in determining eligibility, there are several financial and legal considerations that can impact your decision to sell your policy.

  1. Outstanding Loans on the Policy:
    • If you have taken out loans against your life insurance policy, this can reduce its overall value in a life settlement. Some buyers may still be interested, but they will deduct the loan balance from any offer they make.
  2. Legal Ownership:
    • You must be the legal owner of the policy in order to sell it. If the policy is part of a trust or another entity holds ownership, a principal, such as a trustee, must be available to sign initial paperwork and the contract should you proceed with a sale.  
  3. Beneficiary Concerns:
    • If you’re considering selling your policy, it’s important to consider the needs of your beneficiaries. Once the policy is sold, the buyer becomes the new beneficiary, and your heirs will no longer receive the death benefit. Discussing this decision with your family can help avoid misunderstandings later on.

Getting a Life Settlement Valuation

If you’re unsure whether your policy qualifies for a life settlement, the best first step is to contact us for a no obligation policy appraisal. After learning your age, policy type and premiums, and approximate health condition, we will be able to let you know if you are likely to be eligible for a life settlement or viatical settlement.  

A valuation can give you a better idea of what to expect, and whether it’s worth pursuing a life settlement based on your specific circumstances.

Should You Pursue a Life Settlement?

Deciding whether to sell your life insurance policy through a life settlement is a personal decision that depends on your financial situation, health, and future needs. While many seniors find life settlements to be a valuable source of extra income, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. If you no longer need your policy or can’t afford the premiums, selling it might be a smart financial move.

Life settlement eligibility depends on several factors, including your age, health, policy type, and size. While every situation is unique, understanding these core aspects can help you determine whether selling your policy is the right choice. If you think you might qualify, the next step is to consult a life settlement company for an initial evaluation.

Please give us a call at 800-727-7654 to learn if you are likely to qualify to sell your policy for cash.

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