Anna’s Story of Triumph

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In the mid 1980’s, Anna decided to pack up her belongings, including two children, and move in with a sibling. Although the move did her very good, there was no denying that she suffered from severe mental issues. She did, however, do her best to treat these issues, including through the help of licensed physicians and through self medication. Unfortunately though, her mental illnesses continued to worsen. Even after moving several more times, Anna could never find peace, and her mental problems only aggravated her already frail state. As you’ll see, if she had trouble paying for assisted living, it may have cost her her life.

When one of her sons was 34-years-old, he passed away unexpectedly. Many people thought Anna would follow in his footsteps but she continued to fight and hold on, and all the while her mental illnesses were getting worse and worse by the day. Her sibling caregiver was willing to do whatever it took to make sure Anna made it through these hard times. However, after trying and trying and seeing no progress in Anna, it was decided that she would move into an assisted living facility.

It was absolutely amazing the transformation Anna made after moving into an assisted living facility. Not only did she feel and act better, but she looks different too. You can see that she is happy. 

Paying for Assisted Living

What would have happened had Anna if paying for assisted living had not been possible? According to her friends and family, she would have continued to go on a downward spiral until she eventually would have become unresponsive to outside forces. If you are looking for the funds for paying for assisted living, it is imperative that you consider Reverse Life Insurance.

One New Way To Get Help Paying For Assisted Living

Life Settlements have become extremely popular over the past few years, and for a good reason. By reversing a life insurance policy — making the funds available now instead of after death — it becomes possible to have thousands of dollars to devote toward assisted living expenses. This transaction works by allowing the policyholder to sell it. Then, the funds can be used in any way the policyholder sees fit, including paying for assisted living home care assistance.

Please be aware that some assisted living facilities may require a resident to find alternative care after money has stopped coming in. This means if your loved one runs out of money, a new residence will have to be found, and this in itself along with the move can cause your loved one to have major setbacks in regards to any progress that has been made. One way to avoid this problem is to speak with life settlement providers about the options of reversing a life insurance policy.

Choosing your own care can make all the difference. Take control of your care with the financial flexibility a life settlement can offer.

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Bud Dean: Bud Dean is a retired Life Insurance executive, author and speaker who specializes in helping Seniors unlock the hidden value in their life insurance policies.
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