Life Settlement And Viatical Settlement Options For Terminally Ill Patients
Battling a chronic or terminal illness is one of the most difficult experiences an individual can face. Both the disease and the treatments have an often devastating physical and emotional impact on terminally ill patients and their families, and that impact is made worse by the limited financial options for the terminally ill patients.
In addition to this stress, terminally ill patients and their families also find themselves faced with unexpected and staggering expenses that accumulate from travel, lodging, treatment, household expenses, and lost wages. Yet, still there are few financial options for terminally ill patients. While insurance covers some portion of the treatment expenses, most terminally ill patients end up with considerable out of pocket expenses and debt. can help terminally ill patients understand if they qualify for a Life Settlement, Medicaid Life Settlement, or Viatical Settlement solution, understand their best options, and connect them directly with a licensed buyer.
Contact us today, and see if you qualify for a Life Settlement or Viatical Settlement solution.