Long term care defines a range of services that refer to people with differing personal care needs. It isn’t something that can be defined as a single type of service. As a purely medical service long term care is a form of healthcare that delivers assistance to people with chronic illness or disability. However, for others it can also be a type of care that assists people who cannot perform basic tasks essential to normal living. These are known as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as eating, dressing, bathing, getting out of bed, using the toilet and so forth. Then, for those who seek to continue living independently despite slipping health, long term care can even include assisting with Instrumental ADLs (IADLs) such as cooking, shopping, managing money, taking medications and other activities a fully functional person normally performs. Understanding the cost of long term care is crucially important for both Seniors and those close to retirement.
Life Settlements allow qualified Policy Owners to sell their life insurance policy in the secondary market, for far more than the policy’s existing cash value.
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Reverse Life Insurance is sometimes referred to as Life Settlements, but in reality Reverse Life Insurance is much, much more. While Life Settlements allow certain qualified individuals to sell their life insurance policy in the secondary market for life insurance, Reverse Life Insurance also facilitates solutions that allow qualified Policy Owners to receive a cash advance against their life insurance policy (Life Insurance Advance), convert their life insurance policy into an FDIC-secured benefit account to pay for long-term care (Medicaid Life Settlement), or sell their life insurance to pay for treatments and expenses from chronic or terminal illnesses (Viatical Settlements). Reverse Life Insurance even helps qualified Policy Owners sell their Term Life Insurance policies with no cash value (Term Life Insurance Settlement).
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Finally, after many years, the life insurance industry in Florida is being reined in. Many people who own and pay premiums for life insurance every month assume that, at some point, they may have to let their life insurance lapse. Some find they can no longer pay the premiums, which in the case of term insurance, skyrockets with advancing age. Others simply feel they no longer need a large life insurance policy because their children are grown. They’d prefer to spend their money for other more pressing needs—perhaps for healthcare, for example.
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Understanding your options as you consider how to sell your life insurance policy can be confusing. However, the most important first steps you can take in working through a life insurance policy settlement are qualifying and valuing your policy before you do anything. “Qualifying” is a matter of determining if your health, age and policy are likely to make you eligible for a life settlement. “Valuing” is the process of determining how much your policy is worth in the marketplace and, therefore, how much cash you can expect from the life settlement process.
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Under-performing policies can harm the performance of an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILITs). A Life Settlement can help balance your portfolio.
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National Association of Insurance Commissioners recommends Life Settlement as a safe option for paying for long term care without insurance. Learn More.
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FDIC recently said a reverse mortgage could be a risky choice. Consider reverse life insurance instead. Get cash now without putting your home at risk.
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A Life Settlement or Medicaid Life Settlement can help Seniors plan and budget for the ever-increasing costs of long term care – even Cruise Ship Care!
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Many Seniors opt for Long Term Care insurance policies, despite the high lapse rates. Qualified Seniors may find a Life Settlement better suites them.
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Saving for retirement is contingent on a number of things, and varies by age according to income levels and the relationships individuals have. According to the study workers at all ages and income levels are not be expected to devote much effort in addressing long-term savings needs.
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115 W. Oregon Ave #2
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948